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Hi there! My name is Claire McAuliffe and I am a 5’1-enuthstiactc foodie! I am 24-years old and currently residing in the state of Maryland.

A little background on my education: In August 2017 I graduated from Maryland University Integrative Health with a Master of Science in Nutrition & Integrative Health with a concentration in Human Clinical Nutrition (a mouth full!). I received my B.S in Biology from Washington College in 2015. I am currently still a full-time student at McDaniel College where I am pursing my second masters in Education. I hope to one day combine my knowledge from both of my masters to create a fulfilling and enriching career. I also am acting as an assistant field hockey coach for a high school varsity team.

I grew up in a very health focused and holistic living household, which has played a major part in my interest and love for nutrition. My dad (along with his dad, grandpa and three of his siblings) and two of my brothers are practicing Chiropractors and my mother used to work as a physical therapist. They have been a huge influence on my education direction and my continued practice of a healthy and fulfilling life. As a former athlete and current fitness lover, I have always strived to learn how to properly and effectively fuel my body. During my high school and college years, I was always trying new diet trends and fad diets, but soon learned that they were not effective and were not providing me with the best nutrition status. Through my education and experiences, I have learned that I can achieve optimal health through a balance of health eating, following an active lifestyle and practicing mindfulness on a day to day basis.

I am constantly finding ways to improve and I know that there will always be instances where I need to. My philosophy is to do the best that I can every day and always strive to improve, whether it is in my eating, fitness or mindset.

I hope the recipes, tips and personal experiences that I share through out this blog provide you with the inspiration and desire to try new things!

(I also would like to add that I am currently in the process of setting up a separate website that will allow you to set up a nutrition consult with me directly!)  

Enjoy and thanks!


P.S. Photography by Samuel K. McAuliffe