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Lemon Zest-Blueberry Muffins

Lemon Zest-Blueberry Muffins

I have a MAJOR obsession with muffins. Not too long ago I would go to the grocery store and ALWAYS buy myself muffins from the bakery. I would never look at the ingredients and would simply buy without being mindful of what I was putting into my body.  FAST FORWARD to now…I now longer buy muffins from the grocery store. I have learned that my body functions best from homemade muffins, which contains ingredients that are nutritious and organic.

I always encourage my clients to prepare their own baked goods, because they can adapt the recipes to fit their health needs and taste desires. This recipe is super simple and can be adapted to best suit your health needs. I tend to switch between gluten-free and white whole wheat flour for this recipe—based on my gluten intake that week. So feel free to change the flour! I also always create my own buttermilk using soy milk and white wine vinegar. I also limit my dairy intake—so this is my go to option for some of my baked good recipes. Again feel free to use buttermilk if desired.

I hope you enjoy this recipe---I had one right when they came out of the oven and they were delicious!



*Yields 12 muffins

-1/2 cup of unsalted butter (room temperature)

-1 lemon

-1 cup of cane or coconut sugar (and some to sprinkle on the muffins at the end)

-1 egg

-1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

-1 cup of all-purpose flour

-1 cup of white whole wheat flour

-2 teaspoons of baking powder

-1 teaspoon of salt

-2 cups of fresh blueberries

-1/2 cup of buttermilk

            *To make your own take ½ cup of nut or soy milk and add ½ teaspoons of white wine vinegar


1. Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees F.

2. Cream butter with the lemon zest and sugar.

3. Add the egg and vanilla extract. Beat contents together.

4. Toss the blueberries in ¼ cup of the all-purpose flour in a separate bowl. Then add the rest. Also add the white whole wheat flour.

5. Add the baking powder and salt to the flour mixture. Mix it.

6. Add the flour mixture and wet mixture together.

7. Now add the buttermilk. Mix until well combined.

8. Add the contents to the greased or lined muffin tins.

9. Bake for 15-20 minutes (use the toothpick test).

10. Let cool and enjoy!






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