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Pumpkin-Spice Cinnamon Cookies

Pumpkin-Spice Cinnamon Cookies


October recipe #4 is…cookies of course! This recipe is soooo simple and calls for limited ingredients. To be honest the idea for this recipe came when I realized that I only had the below ingredients in my pantry. Made it easy to choose what I was making next!

I love baking cookies, because they are quick and easy. Perfect to pack in my lunch—I love having a little treat every now and then. Now that I am on that teacher grind I need a little pick me up at lunch time-this cookie is doing the trick this week!

*Remember I used gluten-free flour, which means they still are a little crumbly. Still tasty, but feel free to use the flour of your choice!


-1 cup of grass-fed bitter (softened)

-2 cups of coconut sugar

-2 large eggs

-2 and ¾ cup of all-purpose gluten-free flour

-2 and ½ teaspoons of pumpkin spice

-cinnamon for cookie topping



1. Cream butter and sugar in a large bowl.

2. Beat in the eggs.

3. In a separate bowl, whisk the flour and pumpkin spice together.

4. Beat in the wet mixture to the dry mixture.

5. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F.

6. Flatten the cookie dough onto a cookie sheet and cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

7. Roll dough into tiny balls and then flatten onto cookie sheet.

8. Sprinkle cinnamon onto each cookie.

9. Bake for 12-14 minutes (look for cookies to have brown edges)

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