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Flourless-Peanut Butter Cookies

Flourless-Peanut Butter Cookies

I have a small obsession with peanut butter, but let’s be honest—who doesn’t?! My Dad has also always been obsessed with peanut butter, but more specifically peanut butter cookies. Every now and then I like to surprise him with a batch of homemade cookies!

I have a major obsession with baking, but one reason why I love it so much—is it gives me the opportunity to take my favorite recipes and find ways to make it “healthier.” When I use the term healthier I really mean, that I find healthy alternatives to common ingredients.

So for my peanut butter cookie recipe—my healthy alternative is taking out flour completely! Sounds a bit crazy right?! BUT I am telling you it leaves more room for MORE peanut butter. And seriously…they are delicious!

These cookies are quick and easy to make and call for 5 ingredients (which you most likely already have). Check-out the recipe below and please share what you think!


-1 cup of your favorite peanut butter (I like Justin’s peanut butter)

-1 cup of natural organic cane or coconut sugar

-1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

-1 egg beaten




1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

2. Mix together the peanut butter, sugar, vanilla and egg into a large bowl.

3. Take one tablespoon of cookie mixture and form into balls. Place on to baking sheets at least 1 inch apart (ungreased).

4. Flatten each cookie ball with a fork (making a crosshatch pattern).

5. Sprinkle salt onto each

6. Bake for about 10 minutes (edges should be golden brown).

    *Make sure to turn the baking sheets halfway through.

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